About Us
The Organization for Cetacean Conservation (OCC) works towards environmental education and awareness, with intense activity for the conservation of marine ecosystems as well as the environment in coastal communities.
Since 2000, the organization has promoted public policy advocacy programs at national and regional levels, towards the effective conservation of the southern right whale (Eubalaena sp.), as well as other cetaceans, and the creation of the Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary in jurisdictional waters (45% of the national territory).
Through the Oceanosanos project (working since 2017), OCC aims to raise awareness and citizen interest on the importance of marine biodiversity for food subsistence and the situation of fisheries both at national and global levels, including IUU fishing (Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated fishing).
We believe in environmental education and awareness for the conservation of the marine ecosystem as well as the environment of coastal communities.
Our mission
Ensuring the long-term permanence of all species of Cetaceans (whales, dolphins), promoting research and integrating it into nature tourism, generating its effective conservation as a natural heritage and as a generator of resources for the sustainable development of coastal communities.
Our mission
Ensuring the long-term permanence of all species of Cetaceans (whales, dolphins), promoting research and integrating it into nature tourism, generating its effective conservation as a natural heritage and as a generator of resources for the sustainable development of coastal communities.